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What is Psychosurgery?

Psychosurgery involves surgical procedures that target specific areas of the brain to treat severe and treatment-resistant mental health disorders. These procedures are typically considered when other treatments, such as medication and psychotherapy, have not been effective. Psychosurgery aims to alleviate symptoms and improve the quality of life for individuals with chronic and debilitating psychiatric conditions.

Symptoms of Severe Mental Health Disorders

Symptoms vary depending on the specific condition but commonly include:

Obsessive Thoughts and Behaviors: Persistent, intrusive thoughts and repetitive behaviors (OCD).
Severe Depression: Persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and loss of interest in activities.
Cognitive Decline: Memory loss, confusion, and difficulty with thinking and decision-making (Dementia).
Addictive Behaviors: Inability to control substance use despite harmful consequences.

Types of Psychosurgery

 1.DBS surgery

Depression, OCD and addiction can be treated with Deep brain stimulation therapy and have found to be very effective.

2.Cingulotomy and Capsulotomy surgeries

In patients with Obsessive Compulsive disorder(OCD) who are not affordable for DBS surgery,RF lesioning procedures in the form of Cingulotomy and Capsulotomy can be offered.




Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

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